READ ME --> This is a "vanilla plain" jqModal window. Behavior and appeareance extend far beyond this. The demonstrations on this page will show off a few possibilites. I recommend walking through each one to get an understanding of jqModal before using it.

You can view the sourcecode of examples by clicking the Javascript, CSS, and HTML tabs. Be sure to checkout the documentation too!

NOTE; You can close windows by clicking the tinted background known as the "overlay". Clicking the overlay will have no effect if the "modal" parameter is passed, or if the overlay is disabled.

Infomation of Course

Program Master/Doctorate [석/박사과정] Course Type Major Required [ 전공필수 ]
Course Code B3.703 Course No GFS703
Section English
L:L:C(AU) 3:0:3.0(0) Exam time
Course Title Social Science Research Methodology [ 사회과학 연구방법론 ]
Class time
Fri: 19:00~22:00 / (세종강의실 514호)
Notice ㅇ평일수업(세종강의실) ㅇ타대생 수강 불가

Information of Professor

Name 이상윤(Yi, Sangyoon)
Department 문술미래전략대학원(Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategy)
Phone 042-350-4033

Education4.0 Q

Teaching Style Lecture 30%, Student-led classroom activities and learning activities 70%

Type of classroom interactions and learning activities (■: Yes / □: No)
■ Q&A/Quiz   ■ Debate/Discussion   ■ Practice   ■ Project  
□ Demonstation/Experience   ■ Others ( 설문 )
Education4.0 Q Y

Plan of Lecture

Syllabus File GFS703 사회과학 연구방법론 2024.docx
Syllabus URL
Summary of Lecture 본 교과목은 (사회)과학과 좋은 연구에 대한 학생들의 이해를 높이고, 대학원에서 많이 활용되는 대표적인 연구방법들에 대한 지식을 축적하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 바탕으로 학생들은 좋은 연구 아이디어들을 탐색하고, 선택하고 발전시키며, 어떻게 의미 있는 과학적 기여를 할 수 있는지를 고민하고 실습하며 배운다.
This course aims to (1) provide students with general understanding of (social) science, good research, and popular research methods in the school, and (2) help them explore, select and develop good research ideas, and learn about how to make a significant scientific contribution.
Material for Teaching
Evaluation Criteria attendance 10%, homework & quiz 30%, research proposals & presentations 60%
Lecture Schedule