READ ME --> This is a "vanilla plain" jqModal window. Behavior and appeareance extend far beyond this. The demonstrations on this page will show off a few possibilites. I recommend walking through each one to get an understanding of jqModal before using it.

You can view the sourcecode of examples by clicking the Javascript, CSS, and HTML tabs. Be sure to checkout the documentation too!

NOTE; You can close windows by clicking the tinted background known as the "overlay". Clicking the overlay will have no effect if the "modal" parameter is passed, or if the overlay is disabled.

Infomation of Course

Program Master/Doctorate [석/박사과정] Course Type Elective(Graduate) [ 선택(석/박사) ]
Course Code 43.731 Course No GCT731
Section English English
L:L:C(AU) 3:0:3.0(0) Exam time
- Wed: 13:00~15:45
Course Title Topics in Music Technology<Spatial Audio Recording and Reproduction for Immersive Auditory> [ 음악기술특강<공간 음향 및 입체 녹음 기술> ]
Class time
Mon: 14:30~16:00 / (N25)Dept. of Industrial Design Bldg. [ (N25)산업디자인학과동 ] (3238)
Wed: 14:30~16:00 / (N25)Dept. of Industrial Design Bldg. [ (N25)산업디자인학과동 ] (3238)

Information of Professor

Name 김성영(Kim, Sungyoung)
Department 문화기술대학원(Graduate School of Culture Technology)
Phone 042-350-2917

Education4.0 Q

Teaching Style Lecture 50%, Student-led classroom activities and learning activities 50%

Type of classroom interactions and learning activities (■: Yes / □: No)
■ Q&A/Quiz   ■ Debate/Discussion   ■ Practice   □ Project  
□ Demonstation/Experience   ■ Others ( on-site visit )
Education4.0 Q Y

Plan of Lecture

Syllabus File 2024 Fall GCT731.pdf
Syllabus URL
Summary of Lecture This class aims to address the growing importance of spatial audio in creating immersive experiences in virtual spaces. Currently, there is a lag in understanding how to effectively handle auditory information to complete such experiences, particularly in comparison to the processing of visual information.

Throughout this course, the primary focus will be on studying the latest technologies for rendering spatial audio in the context of virtual and augmented reality. This will be achieved through in-depth class discussions of selected literature on the subject. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to gain practical experience with these technologies using two formats: a multichannel loudspeaker array and headphones.

The specific focus of 2024 is given to the following topic: how to reduce perceptual/cognitive gap between multichannel-based and headphone-based reproduction of immersive sound field.

The discussions in the class will adopt a human-centric approach, emphasizing the psychoacoustic aspects of spatial audio technologies. Students will explore the perceptual qualities and merits of these technologies, considering how they influence the overall listening experience, especially in reproduced music listening experience.

Simultaneously, the class will have an application-centric perspective, examining in-situ use cases and projects associated with music reproduction context. This approach will allow students to understand how spatial audio technologies can be effectively utilized in practical recording and reproduction of music. Students will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on experiences with immersive recording and mixing techniques, further enhancing their understanding of spatial audio in real-world applications.

By combining theoretical discussions, practical exercises, and project-based learning, this class aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of spatial audio technologies and their application in creating immersive experiences.
Material for Teaching - Main textbook : Immersive Sound: The Art and Science of Binaural and Multi-Channel Audio
- Auxiliary textbook 1: The Technology of Binaural Understanding
- Auxiliary textbook 2: The Art and Science of 3D Audio Recording
- Auxiliary materials: Selected journal articles
Evaluation Criteria * The followings evaluation criteria may change:
A. Attendance: 10 % B. Midterm exam: 20 % C. Final exam: 20 % D.Quiz: 30 %
E. Project: 20 %
* Limitations on course retaking, if any:
Please do not take this course if you don't have any audio engineering background. This is the most advanced level course in the audio engineering and spatial sound domain. No review will be given to the students after the 1st week
Lecture Schedule Please see the attached PDF for the details (Students should be aware that the current syllabus is not a completed one. The lecture schedule may change according to the student learning progress and/or newly-related state-of-the-arts publication).
Memo Assistant Name: Rai Sato