READ ME --> This is a "vanilla plain" jqModal window. Behavior and appeareance extend far beyond this. The demonstrations on this page will show off a few possibilites. I recommend walking through each one to get an understanding of jqModal before using it.

You can view the sourcecode of examples by clicking the Javascript, CSS, and HTML tabs. Be sure to checkout the documentation too!

NOTE; You can close windows by clicking the tinted background known as the "overlay". Clicking the overlay will have no effect if the "modal" parameter is passed, or if the overlay is disabled.

Infomation of Course

Program Master/Doctorate [석/박사과정] Course Type Elective(Graduate) [ 선택(석/박사) ]
Course Code 43.600 Course No GCT600
Section English
L:L:C(AU) 3:0:3.0(0) Exam time
Course Title Augmented Reality Project [ 증강현실 프로젝트 ]
Class time
Fri: 09:00~10:30 / (N25)Dept. of Industrial Design Bldg. [ (N25)산업디자인학과동 ] (3229)
Fri: 10:30~12:00 / (N25)Dept. of Industrial Design Bldg. [ (N25)산업디자인학과동 ] (3229)
Notice Code Share MV600

Information of Professor

Name 우운택(WOO, Woontack)
Department 문화기술대학원(Graduate School of Culture Technology)
Phone 042-350-2923

Education4.0 Q

Teaching Style Lecture 30%, Student-led classroom activities and learning activities 70%

Type of classroom interactions and learning activities (■: Yes / □: No)
□ Q&A/Quiz   □ Debate/Discussion   □ Practice   ■ Project  
□ Demonstation/Experience   □ Others ( )
Education4.0 Q Y

Plan of Lecture

Syllabus File
Syllabus URL
Summary of Lecture 이 과목은 증강현실 (AR) 프로젝트를 계획하고 구현하는 프로젝트 중심 코스입니다. 본 과정에서는 'DT (Digital Twin) 기반 AR 기술'을 적용하여 다양한 메타버스 현안을 해결하는 방법을 탐구합니다. 핵심 목표는 학생들이 문제를 찾아서 정의하고, 해법을 제안, 구현, 비교 평가하는 과정을 통해 AR 연구 과정을 배우게 하는 것입니다.
Material for Teaching
Evaluation Criteria * The followings evaluation criteria may change:
A. Attendance: 20% B. Midterm exam: 15 % + 15% C. Final exam: 30%+10% HW: 10%
E. Extra 5 %
* Limitations on course retaking, if any:
Lecture Schedule - 1(st) Week : Course overview: New waves of XR in Metaverse Era
- 2(nd) Week : How to do research (propose, survey, research/develop, evaluate)?
- 3(rd) Week : Project Brainstorming (UX scenario) with industry perspectives
- 4(th) Week : Project Workshop : Ideation, Selection & Team-building
- 5(th) Week : National Holiday (추석)
- 6(th) Week : Unity Tutorial #1 ? Introduction
- 7(th) Week : Midterm I : Project proposal (TP-NABCDE) with Survey
- 8(th) Week : Unity Tutorial #2 ? Tracking
- 9(th) Week : Unity Tutorial #3 ? Augmentation
- 10(th) Week : Unity Tutorial #4 ? Interaction & Collaboration
- 11(th) Week : Midterm II : Progress Presentation with Preliminary Demo
- 12(th) Week : Project Workshop ? Industrial Applications (I)
- 13(th) Week : Project Workshop ? Industrial Applications (II)
- 14(th) Week : Project Workshop ? Industrial Applications (III)
- 15(th) Week : Final Presentation with Analysis
- 16(th) Week : Project Report Due

Memo Assistant Name: Seonji Kim, Taewook Ha